The unoficial Macintosh Page
The obvious difference between Mac and PC
The difference between PC and Mac computers can be noticed by the spelling. If you spell them like this (M.A.C. & P.C.) you will find that Apple Macintosh is a More Accurate Computer and you will see that IBM compatables are Pathetic Computers. I started out in computers I was working on a PC but when I started school I was inoroduced to Apple Macintosh but I wasn't able to purchased one until I was a teenager so now I can actually use the computer of choice
I have been through many machines but I guess my favorite is my Mac IIcx. It really has no upgrade potential but it can go up to 128mb of ram. I have found a compatable 9.4gb harddrive for it and a 24bit video card. I am currently running 8mb ram and an internal 80mb harddrive. I have a 14.4 modem and a PowerCD CDrom drive
Macintosh IIcx
Mac SE Project
I have been trying to rebuild a Macintosh SE but I am needing a analog board if you have one please Email me.
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